Generations of Inspiration: Building a Legacy in StatesvilleThe roots run deep in the Statesville community for Jane Getsinger. Jane’s passion for Statesville’s success shines through her manageme...
Enjoy the Great Outdoors at Lake Norman State Park With ... After just a short time with Frances Cassario, Lead Education Ranger, at Lake Norman State Park, it’s easy to tell this is not just a “j...
Special from the May 6, 1998 edition of the Iredell Citi... The need to cultivate, plant, fertilize, hoe and weed six acres grabbed hold of Lester Millsaps shortly after he retired from Smith Doug...
Special from the April 29, 1998 edition of the Iredell C... Jackie Scott, an English teacher at West Iredell High School, spent two years serving with the Peace Corps in Africa where she taught hi...
Special from the April 22, 1998 edition of the Iredell C... Special To The Iredell Citizen From DWIGHT BASSETT There continue to be many new and exciting changes happening in downtown! Downtown ha...
Living the Dream: THE Iredell CitizenBob accomplished that dream in 1998 when he opened the Iredell Citizen newspaper, a weekly printed newspaper, telling the stories and ne...